The Truth About Tooth
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The Truth About Tooth

You only have one set of adult teeth, so taking good care of them is of the utmost importance. You know to brush twice a day and floss daily, but there is so much more to dental health. On this website, we've compiled articles to help you boost your personal knowledge of oral health and dental care. From brushing tips to ideas for snacks that won't case cavities, it's all here. We are not dentists, but we scoured the internet for factual information, and we're confident your dentist will approve of what you're learning. Grab your favorite tooth-healthy snack, and start reading.


The Truth About Teeth

Understanding The Importance Of Tooth Extraction Procedures

Lonnie Davidson

Dentists have numerous dental treatment options for various dental problems. Dental restorative treatments like implants, veneers, fillings, and bridges are common in treating common dental problems. However, in some severe cases, tooth extraction surgery is the best option in dealing with a problem. Tooth extraction surgery is an invasive dental procedure that entails cutting and exposing a tooth's root before removing it from its socket. The dentist numbs the affected area with local anesthesia to ensure there is no pain before proceeding with the extraction. Dental patients often prefer tooth extraction surgery because it is a final solution to a dental problem, unlike other dental treatments that require further medical attention. Thus, below are reasons to visit a dentist for tooth extraction surgery.

Fixing Irreparable Tooth Damage

Typically, dentists can handle and solve most dental issues without resorting to tooth removal provided the problem is caught early. Patients are usually advised to visit the dentists periodically for a check-up to identify and prevent dental issues. In some cases, dental problems develop beyond repair necessitating a tooth extraction surgery. For instance, severe tooth decay often results in the destruction of the pulp located at the tooth's center. Once the pulp decays, it produces harmful bacteria that cause infections. In some situations, dentists catch the infection early and stop the spread using the root canal method. However, dentists resort to tooth extraction surgery if the infection develops and spreads further. Tooth extraction surgery solves the problem with finality, mitigating deterioration. 

Solving Periodontal Diseases

Periodontal diseases occur when a tooth infection causes inflammation of the surrounding bone and gums. Usually, periodontal diseases start off as gingivitis with the patient developing redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. Periodontal diseases are painful and can lead to bone loss and teeth loss. Poor oral and dental hygiene remains the primary cause of periodontal disease. Other risk factors that enhance chances of contacting periodontal disease include diabetes, smoking, heredity, and crooked teeth. Thus, dentists identify the source of a periodontal infection before proceeding with a tooth extraction surgery to prevent the impact on surrounding gums and bones, saving more teeth.

Remedying Dental Crowding

Dental crowding occurs when an individual has too many teeth that cannot fit in the mouth. Usually, wisdom teeth that develop last cannot grow straight once a patient has dental crowding. Thus, patients end up with impacted wisdom teeth, requiring tooth extraction surgery to fix. Dentists use tooth extraction surgery to remove crooked teeth that impact neighboring teeth and gums, creating enough space for regular teeth growth.

Contact a local dentist to learn more about tooth extractions.
