The Truth About Tooth
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The Truth About Tooth

You only have one set of adult teeth, so taking good care of them is of the utmost importance. You know to brush twice a day and floss daily, but there is so much more to dental health. On this website, we've compiled articles to help you boost your personal knowledge of oral health and dental care. From brushing tips to ideas for snacks that won't case cavities, it's all here. We are not dentists, but we scoured the internet for factual information, and we're confident your dentist will approve of what you're learning. Grab your favorite tooth-healthy snack, and start reading.


The Truth About Teeth

Preventative Dental Care Services for Diabetics

Lonnie Davidson

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrinological disease that refers to elevated blood glucose levels. It is associated with genetics, family history, obesity, and high blood pressure. Diabetes can raise the risk for kidney disease, stroke, impaired circulation, and cardiovascular problems, Diabetes can also heighten the risk for problems with your teeth and gums. If you have diabetes, consider the following preventative dental care services to help maintain your oral health. 

Deep Cleaning Treatments

Professional teeth cleanings are an essential component of optimal dental care. While having your teeth professionally cleaned by the hygienist or dentist can help stave off cavities and gingivitis in non-diabetics, people with diabetes may require a different type of teeth cleaning called scaling and root planing because they may be at a higher risk for severe periodontal disease. Augmenting your routine teeth cleanings with scaling and root planing may dramatically lower your risk for periodontal disease, dental decay, and tooth loss.

The scaling and root planing procedure is also known as a deep cleaning treatment, and unlike a regular routine professional cleaning procedure, scaling and root planing can take up to a week or so for your gums to heal following your procedure. During your procedure, your dentist will scrape hard tartar off of the surface of your teeth and below your gum line, which is the scaling component of the procedure. The root planing procedure involves making the roots of your teeth smooth to help treat periodontal pockets and prevent future pocket formation.

Antimicrobial Oral Rinses

Diabetics are at risk for developing fungal infections of the oral cavity called candidiasis infections. Candidiasis is caused by certain types of yeast and if you develop a candidiasis infection, you may notice white patches inside your mouth and on your throat. The patches may bleed when they are scraped and they may cause burning sensations.

Your dentist may recommend an antifungal or another antimicrobial oral rinse. This helps eliminate oral candidiasis infections that may be caused by elevated concentrations of glucose inside the mouths of diabetics. To prevent future oral fungal infections, avoid smoking, practice good oral hygiene, and limit your intake of sugary foods and beverages because they can promote the growth of candidiasis. And most importantly, see your dentist regularly. 

If you have diabetes, seek preventative dental care services to help lower your risk for periodontal disease and oral fungal infections. When you see both your primary care physician and your dentist regularly, you may be more likely to enjoy stable blood glucose levels and a healthy oral cavity. 
