The Truth About Tooth
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The Truth About Tooth

You only have one set of adult teeth, so taking good care of them is of the utmost importance. You know to brush twice a day and floss daily, but there is so much more to dental health. On this website, we've compiled articles to help you boost your personal knowledge of oral health and dental care. From brushing tips to ideas for snacks that won't case cavities, it's all here. We are not dentists, but we scoured the internet for factual information, and we're confident your dentist will approve of what you're learning. Grab your favorite tooth-healthy snack, and start reading.


The Truth About Teeth

What To Know About Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Lonnie Davidson

Wisdom teeth are permanent teeth located in the back corners of the mouth. While some people have four wisdom teeth, others may not have any at all. If you have wisdom teeth and there's not enough room, wisdom teeth extraction may be necessary. Left in place, wisdom teeth can cause infection, pain, and other dental problems. Your dentist or an oral surgeon will determine whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary. Here are three things to know about this procedure.  

When It's Needed

The first thing to know about wisdom teeth extraction is when it's necessary. Wisdom teeth removal isn't required for everyone. If your wisdom teeth erupt with no problems and are positioned correctly, you don't have to have them removed. However, there are situations where wisdom teeth extraction is in your best interest. If your wisdom teeth are becoming impacted, causing pain, becoming infected, causing dental decay, damaging nearby teeth, or affecting your bite, removing them is essential. Even if you aren't currently experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth, your dentist may recommend removal to prevent future issues.

How Much It Costs

What you pay for wisdom teeth extraction depends on a few factors. First, it will cost more to remove impacted wisdom teeth than an erupted wisdom tooth. Second, the removal method will also affect what you pay. A simple extraction will cost less than surgery to remove wisdom teeth. Finally, whether you have dental insurance also impacts your bottom line. Typically, wisdom teeth removal costs $200 to $1,100 per tooth. You'll want to get a breakdown of the costs before scheduling this procedure.

Aftercare Is Important

Another thing to know about removing wisdom teeth is that aftercare is essential. Whether you have a simple extraction or surgery, following your dentist's or oral surgeon's instructions is crucial. Not following instructions can lead to infection, and a painful condition called dry socket. A dry socket happens when the blood clot in the wisdom tooth socket dislodges and exposes the underlying bone. Make sure to follow instructions for eating, drinking, and keeping the site clean after a wisdom tooth is removed. 

There are a few things to know about wisdom teeth extraction. First, you may need your wisdom teeth removed if they are impacted, causing trouble, or are likely to cause dental problems if left in place. Second, the cost of wisdom tooth removal varies depending on how the teeth are removed. Finally, aftercare and following instructions after the removal are vital. 

Talk to your dentist to learn more about wisdom teeth extraction
